Welcome to our adventure as we share our journey through words and pictures, while we travel through Southern China & Beijing. We'll be biking through villages and experiencing rural life & culture, worshiping with Chinese Christians, hiking the Great Wall, touring the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, participating in service projects, and so much more.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Dani's Reflection

I am so grateful that my son wanted me to go on this adventure with him. I've seen so much love and generosity on this trip. I really tried my best to stay out of my own way so I could let God in and experience what he wanted me to get. Peace, joy and love was what I felt at Shepherd's Field. Holding the babies and watching the little munchkins blow bubbles and chasing those bubbles. I was scared to go to the orphanage or visit the poor in China because I want for nothing and I was worried I'd feel guilty for all the blessings in my life. But I realized that what was in my heart is the biggest blessing I have. I did not feel guilty or ashamed. I only felt love the entire trip.

I think the biggest gift I got was also the most unexpected, and that was all the wonderful friendships. Not only from the BCIS kids and teachers but from the women in our group. I don't think I've ever felt closer to anyone else I'm not related to.

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