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Friday, November 15, 2013

Nicole's Post Trip Reflection

Five things I won't forget:
1. The people, their kindness, joy and contentment with their situation
2. Shepherd's Field – the children, the caregivers, the love that was expressed, the peace about how they are cared for.
3. Great Wall – its' immensity, intricacy and fortitude. The majesty of it winding over the North ridge.
4. The countryside of Guangdong Province. The quiet, the hospitality & simplicity of their way of life.
5. Christianity in China – we have religious freedom, they do not but God works miracles despite attempts to suppress.

How I saw God at work through our trip:
The people have an immense joy despite their hard, simple lives, perhaps somehow they see God in the moment rather than complaining and striving for something different, like I do. Our visit to our sponsored family. God working thru Mr. He's church to love & support him,  God placed us in his home to pray for & encourage him. Shepherd's Field – we are called to care for orphans & widows, but how tangible are our actions. I felt such peace, only provided by completely trusting the Almighty, that the founders of SF are completely under the wing of God. Visiting with the students from BCIS and our interpreters there was definitely a curiosity about Christianity by some and we definitely expressed our beliefs thru our actions and activities, conversations and passion for our faith.

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