Welcome to our adventure as we share our journey through words and pictures, while we travel through Southern China & Beijing. We'll be biking through villages and experiencing rural life & culture, worshiping with Chinese Christians, hiking the Great Wall, touring the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, participating in service projects, and so much more.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Anna's Reflection

As I reflect on this China Exploration trip I am on, what always comes to mind, every night, is just how big our mission field is - not just here in China, but all over the world. I have experienced the poorest of poor & the wealthy - just like in America &  I'm sure all over the world. What has touched me the most is sitting in our room all together each evening & listening to our 8th graders share their thoughts, experiences and prayers for the people of this country. If only I could bottle up their love of mankind and of their Lord & Savior and give it to each and every person on our planet. Yes, they are still kids in many aspects of our day, but when it all boils down to it... they get it. They want to serve God and serve others & they (we)  struggle with just how to do this each and every day. I pray it will not end when the plane lands.

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