Welcome to our adventure as we share our journey through words and pictures, while we travel through Southern China & Beijing. We'll be biking through villages and experiencing rural life & culture, worshiping with Chinese Christians, hiking the Great Wall, touring the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, participating in service projects, and so much more.

Please be encouraged to scroll through the posts and pictures to discover what the team is experiencing. Want to know what the team may be up to on a given date? Scroll down to the "Where is the team today" section (just above the map of China) which will take you to an interactive google map that includes many of the stops the team will make along their adventure.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Beijing - Day 1

After a great evening with our host families in Shenzhen and a very early morning the team traveled from Hong Kong to Beijing. We toured the Forbidden City and had another wonderful meal. This was the first day that we had any weather issues - a little on the cold side and some light sprinkles at the end of our Forbidden City tour.

We had an awesome wrap up tonight - lots of great reflections from the students and adults. Tomorrow we head to Shepherd's Field for a great day of ministry with the staff and children. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to SF and for opportunities to witness Jesus.

More team blog reflections coming in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. ALL of you are in our prayers, and we miss you so much. Can't wait to hear about Shepherd's field! I know how much Mel was looking forward to this leg of the trip...Praying for safe travels for all. LOVE! from the Martin Troop.
